About Your Hosts

Mary Kate Pedigo

By trade, Mary Kate is a interior designer, adjunct instructor, and corporate communicator. She bought her late grandmother’s home and flipped it, which is why she maybe grew a few silver hairs this year. She’s like Texas, but from Arizona. She is a rule follower and a dream haver. She was mom of the group first, which for sure prepared her for parenthood.

Hannah Mo Ferri

She’s a corporate marketer, small business owner, licensed insurance agent, and also a Realtor, which means she’s absolutely putting her two degrees to good use. One minute she was flying across the country working in advertising agencies and the next minute she was handing in a resignation because as it turns out her coastal hometown is a literal dream. She raises salty cows, which is a fancy way of saying her cattle herd has an ocean view.

Hannah Fryer

She’s a whip in the world of non-profits, passionate about the Enneagram as a tool to becoming better humans, and is wildly confident about figuring out basically anything. The latter is built upon just the right amount of childhood trauma and double degrees in economics and communications. She’s a serial volunteer and believes that in a world where you can be anything, be yourself.

B. Taylor

B is the proud owner of two paid off degrees and a small business. Read as: tenure as a brand strategist pays the bills. She also founded a whole foundation, kicked cancer where it counts twice, married her favorite human, and goes by “MOM!” while perpetually wading water.

Mostly she just wants the girls trip to make its way out of the group chat.